I didn't know the ''cigarette subject'' could butthurt that much.
The flamings comments are simply too lulzy.
In my country, smoking is prohibited by law in all public areas ( plus a nine meter radius from all public doors), so theses reactions are a little awkward to me.
My personal opinion about ''liberty to do what you want'' is : the true liberty is to respect everybody's liberty. Even if you think that guy's sassy because he can't stand your smoke, you have to respect him for his choice and don't smoke near him. The same goes for smoke haters: I guess they know about lung cancer as much as you do, don't try to convince someone who doesn't want to be convinced.
And the video+ song is great! good work vakavadesigns. Epic troll indeed.
sorry for my English, I'm from Quebec.
InB4 sassy gay country and sassy comment